

Wellness Earthing, LLC (WE) is more than just a company—it’s a beacon of online health education and wellness advocacy.  Our mission is advocating holistic health and cultivating personal wealth through our Health-Wealth Platform and innovative partner program.

A Health-Wealth Platform — where health education and wellness advocacy thrive, through which we promote holistic practices and innovative health ideas while offering carefully selected wellness products to our educated customers.

Rewarding Health Advocacy — Our affiliate program is designed to ensure that health education and advocacy are rewarded with better health and increased wealth. By joining our affiliate program, individuals have the opportunity to not only promote health and wellness concepts but also to earn income in return.


WE is dedicated to promoting health and wellness ideas while fostering prosperity and wealth.

Our Mission: Bridging Health and Wealth

Our mission is advocating holistic health and cultivating personal wealth through our Health-Wealth Platform and innovative partner program.

We believe that true prosperity stems from a harmonious balance of health and wealth. Our name, “Wellness Earthing,” carries two significant meanings. Firstly, we advocate for the practice of earthing or grounding as a fundamental wellness concept, aiding in the reduction of free radicals and electromagnetic field harm to achieve better health. Secondly, we strive to ground the wellness knowledge found in Chinese medicine (Yang Sheng) into the daily lives of individuals worldwide through our unique health-wealth platform and curated selection of quality, affordable products.

Harnessing Technology for Wellness

With advancements in social media, artificial intelligence, and short-form videos, WE is committed to democratizing access to health and wellness knowledge and products. We recognize that health is paramount—without it, other aspects of life hold little value. As an extension of our educational website, Yang-sheng.com, WE aims to shift the paradigm of health education from a purely public service endeavor to a financially sustainable model. By offering a diverse range of education and wellness-related products, we empower individuals to embrace self-healing practices and cultivate health consciousness, ultimately leading to a life of wellness and potential wealth.

Marketing Model: Empowering Partners and Affiliates

WE operates as an employee-owned company with a network of like-minded partners who share our vision for wellness and health. Through our affiliate program, partners have the opportunity to promote self-healing ideas and wellness products, all while reaping the rewards of better health and increased wealth. Unlike traditional sales models, WE emphasizes sharing wellness ideas and health knowledge rather than direct product sales. Partners earn bonuses and commissions from any product sales resulting from their referrals, with multi-level rewards extending throughout their lifetime. Whether as a part-time pursuit or a full-time endeavor, there’s immense potential for wealth growth when promoting health and helping others.

點擊 這裡 to find out more about our Affiliate program.

Kevin Chen博士,創始人

馬裡蘭大學醫學院綜合醫學和精神病學副教授。 陳博士是美國國立衛生研究院 (NIH) 資助的研究員,從事藥物濫用、成癮和關節炎治療的研究。 他也參與了臨床研究,檢驗生物能量療法治療骨關節炎和成癮的臨床可行性和功效。 陳博士是美國少數既擁有身心實踐第一手知識又積極參與能量療法科學研究的科學家之一。

陳博士曾是多位著名道教大師的弟子,並在美國教授氣功和闢谷多年。 現在他準備與社區分享這些知識和相關產品。 他致力於幫助人們進行自我治療和健康實踐。 

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Kevin Chen, Ph.D.



Kevin W Chen, Ph.D.


董事會主席, — 馬里蘭大學副教授、世界自愈研究所總裁、養生網出版人。 陳博士致力於幫助人們提高自我治療和健康實踐的意識。 

Sharon Montes, MD


健康教育副總裁, — Montes 博士在科羅拉多州經營私人診所 20 多年,重點關注教育,“而不是藥物治療”,重點是透過自然的整體醫療護理、輔導和指導進行治療。

Michelle Erickson


辦公室主管 - 擁有多次商業培訓以及藥物濫用諮詢經驗。 長期學習醫療氣功、中醫、針灸 

Stella Kwan Liu


開發副總裁 — 在業務培訓和發展方面擁有豐富經驗。 自 1986 年起擔任 Harmony Institute 創辦人兼總裁; Hightech Cosulting Inc.總裁,長期禪修者。  

Gregory W. Dennis, Esq.


格雷戈里是馬裡蘭州和華盛頓特區的執業律師。 他擁有美國國際貿易法院的執照,並在美國和中國經營自己的法律服務。

Shuvo Baroi

網頁開發人員和 UI 設計師

Shuvo 是一位經驗豐富的 Web 開發人員,也是領先的 Web 代理商 Design Mania BD 的創辦人。 憑藉在基於 CMS 的網站和網站 UI 設計方面的專業知識,他在著名的自由職業平台上建立了卓越的聲譽。 Shuvo 的產品組合擁有超過 150 個開發的網站和 70 多個網站 UI 設計。

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