
This Affiliate(“Agreement”) is made effective as of (today’s date) , by and between Wellness Earthing, LLC (“Company”), of 6416 Loring Dr., Columbia, Maryland 21045, and (name)___________________________________(“Affiliate”), a resident of (State)__________________.


COMPANY desires to have services provided by Affiliate to promote wellness concepts,market and sell health and wellness products in the United States (the “Territory”).

COMPANY hereby appoints Affiliate as COMPANY’s advocate, sales representative and marketing agent within the Territory as described above, to lead internet traffic to the COMPANY’s web site, and solicit orders for the COMPANY’s Products upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein.


服務說明。 Beginning on __________, 2023, Affiliate will provide the following services (collectively, the “Services”):


服務性能。 The manner in which the Services are to be performed and the specific hours to be worked by the Affiliate shall be determined by the Affiliate. The COMPANY will rely on the Affiliate to work as many hours as may be reasonably necessary to fulfill Affiliate’s obligations under this Agreement.

佣金支付。 公司將根據以下情況向關聯公司支付佣金
Twenty percent (20%) of gross sales of health and wellness products soldfrom direct sales, and Five percent (5%) from the immediate downline sales. For the purposes of this Agreement, health and wellness products sold means Gross sales or total customer revenues, less shipping and tax charges.

Right to Inspect.Affiliate, or Affiliate’s agent, shall have the right to inspect COMPANY’s records for the limited purpose of verifying the calculation of the commission payments, subject to such restrictions as COMPANY may reasonably impose to protect the confidentiality of the records. Such inspections shall be made during reasonable business hours as may be set by the COMPANY.

Death. If Affiliate dies during the term of this Agreement, Affiliate shall be entitled to payments or partial commission payments for the period ending with the date of Affiliate’s death.

費用報銷。 Affiliates shall pay all “out-of-pocket” expenses and shall not be entitled to reimbursement from the COMPANY. The Affiliate could keep a record of the expense for the purpose of tax returns later.

期限/終止。 本協議將在附屬公司完成本協議要求的服務後自動終止。

雙方的關係。 雙方理解,Affiliate 是公司的獨立承包商,而不是公司的僱員。 公司不會為附屬公司的利益提供附加福利,包括健康保險福利、帶薪休假或任何其他員工福利。

調解。 如果雙方之間或彼此之間發生爭議而未能解決,雙方應首先本著誠意將此事提交調解。 與調解有關的費用應由雙方共同分攤。 除非在調解中另有約定,雙方保留進行仲裁或訴訟的權利。

仲裁。 如果因本協議引起或與之相關的任何爭議或索賠,或任何違反本協議的行為,包括但不限於任何聲稱本協議或其任何部分無效、非法或以其他方式可撤銷或無效的索賠,則無法通過以下方式解決 上述調解,則該事項應在美國仲裁協會的商業規則之前並根據美國仲裁協會的商業規則專門提交最終和有約束力的仲裁,並且可以在任何具有管轄權的法院對裁決作出判決; 但是,前提是本條款不得解釋為限制公司可能必須向任何有管轄權的法院申請禁令或其他臨時救濟的任何權利。 仲裁員同意確定任何爭議的可仲裁性。 本仲裁條款應被視為自動執行,如果任何一方未能出席任何適當通知的仲裁程序,儘管未能出席,仍可對該方作出裁決。 此類仲裁應由美國仲裁協會在其辦公室進行,並受美國仲裁協會當時有效的規則管轄。 雙方同意,仲裁員無權對任何一方作出懲罰性賠償。

僱員。 Affiliate’s employees, if any, who perform services for COMPANY under this Agreement shall also be bound by the provisions of this Agreement.

保密。 COMPANY recognizes that Affiliate has and will have the followingproprietary information such as business model, product supplier, marketing strategy and development plans (collectively, “Information”) which are valuable, special and unique assets of Wellness Earthing, LLC and need to be protected from improper disclosure. In consideration for the disclosure of the Information, Affiliate agrees that Affiliate will not at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, use any Information for Affiliate’s own benefit, or divulge, disclose, or communicate in any manner any Information to any third party without the prior written consent of COMPANY. Affiliate will protect the Information and treat it as strictly confidential. A violation of this paragraph shall be a material violation of this Agreement.

本協議符合《捍衛商業秘密法》,並為任何個人洩露商業秘密提供民事或刑事豁免:(i) 向聯邦、州或地方政府官員或律師保密時 披露是舉報涉嫌違法的行為; (ii) 在訴訟中提交的申訴或其他文件中(如果是蓋章的)。

未經授權的信息披露。 如果附屬公司似乎違反本協議披露(或威脅要披露)信息,公司有權獲得禁令,以限製附屬公司全部或部分披露此類信息,或向任何人提供任何服務 已向其披露或可能披露此類信息的一方。 本條款不得禁止公司尋求其他補救措施,包括對損失和損害提出索賠。

終止後的保密性。 本協議的保密條款在本協議終止後仍然有效。

記錄返回。 Upon termination of this Agreement, Affiliate shall deliver all records, notes, data, memoranda, models, sale aids, and equipment of any nature that are in Affiliate’s possession or under Affiliate’s control and that are COMPANY’s property or relate to COMPANY’s business.

注意事項。 本協議要求或允許的所有通知均應採用書面形式,並在親自交付或投遞到美國郵政、預付郵資、地址如下時視為已送達:


Kevin W. Chen
Authorized Individual 6416 Loring Dr.
Columbia, Maryland 21045


(Your mailing address here)________________


整個協議。 本協議包含雙方的全部協議,在任何其他口頭或書面協議中不存在任何其他承諾或條件。 本協議取代雙方之前的任何書面或口頭協議。

修正案。 如果修改以書面形式作出並由雙方簽署,則本協議可以修改或修正。

可分割性。 如果本協議的任何條款因任何原因被認定為無效或不可執行,其餘條款應繼續有效並可執行。 如果法院發現本協議的任何條款無效或不可執行,但通過限制此類條款將變得有效和可執行,則此類條款應被視為書面、解釋和執行為如此限制。

放棄合同權利。 The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of that party’s right to subsequently enforce and compel strict compliance with every provision of this Agreement.

適用法律。 本協議受馬里蘭州法律管轄,霍華德縣法院或美國馬里蘭地區地方法院是因本協議引起的訴訟的唯一審判地。

簽名。 This Agreementis considered legally signed after click the “AGREE” bottom below by the Affiliate applicant. It should be considered effective after reviewed byAuthorized Individualat Wellness Earthing, LLC.

Company:Wellness Earthing, LLC
By: Kevin W. Chen
Authorized Individual

Affiliate Applicant Information:

AffiliateApplicant Name:

Referred by: (ID number)

Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________

State of Resident (To be used for sale tax purpose) _____________

Social Security Number: ________________________

Signing Date: ____________

• 一次購買 200 美元或更多
• Or Paying $50 application fee (Need a link to payment here)

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