使用我們優質的接地產品讓自己接地,讓您與地球的自然能量重新連接,促進身心健康。 我們的產品採用優質材料精心設計,為所有人提供安全舒適的接地體驗。 通過我們一系列創新且有效的接地產品,在舒適的家中體驗接地的好處。 使用我們的接地產品擁抱大自然的治愈力量並增強您的整體健康。
現代化使我們暴露在更多的電磁場 (EMF)、輻射、Wi-Fi、遠離地球的高層建築中,這會造成更多的健康危害、炎症和疾病!
赤腳一直是傳統的接地方式,但赤腳是不現實的,因為我們的身體在現代是有意的。 我們找到了高品質、價格實惠的接地鞋,幫助我們克服赤腳的負擔。 除此之外,還有很多其他的產品可以幫助我們經常與地球建立聯繫。 通過我們家中電線的接地功能,這些接地產品可以讓我們在日常生活中輕鬆接地。 這裡有些例子:
材質:98% 棉,2% 導電纖維,做工精細,質地柔軟,透氣,舒適,親膚。 編織高密度導電纖維,形成網狀導電系統,與插座內的地線相連。 它可以讓使用者在睡覺的時候吸收地能電子(負電荷),提高睡眠質量,增加能量。 古語云:“藥不如食,食不如眠”。 睡眠在我們生活中的作用是無可替代的。
採用安全、環保、無毒、無甲醛的材料製成。 防滑紋理設計,不易滑動。 經久耐用、美觀舒適、防潮、彈性好、親膚性強。 用導電纖維編織成網狀導電系統,與地線相連,吸收大地能量。
Earthing or grounding refers to the process of connecting our body to the Earth, fostering a neutral or balanced internal state for improved health. In our modern era, industrialization and modernization expose us to increased electromagnetic fields (EMF), radiation, and Wi-Fi, while factors like tall buildings and rubber-soled shoes often disconnect us from the Earth. This disconnection can contribute to various health hazards, inflammation, and diseases. Grounding, achieved through direct contact with the Earth, allows our bodies to absorb negative charged free electrons, helping to restore balance.
While earthing shoes provide an excellent means of connecting with the Earth outdoors, not everyone can regularly walk outside. Earthing goods offer additional opportunities to establish this connection through various products. For example, there are earthing mouse pads for use while working on computers, earthing yoga mats for daily yoga exercises, and earthing sheets for use during sleep.
The human body consists mainly of water and minerals, and both the human body and the Earth are efficient conductors. When you walk barefoot on the ground, the active electrons on the Earth’s surface can easily enter your body. However, in modern times, many people have lost this connection with the Earth for various reasons, making it necessary to reconnect through conductive fiber materials present in our earthing products.
Your body naturally accumulates positively charged free radicals or electrons. Conversely, free electrons are present on the Earth’s surface. When you physically connect with the Earth, your body promptly attains a similar level of electrical energy as the Earth. This connection may evoke sensations of warmth, tingling, relaxation, and even heightened happiness.