Agreement to Become an Affiliate
This Affiliate Agreement (“Agreement”) is made effective as of [today’s date], between [Your Name, to be filled in the registration form], hereinafter referred to as “Affiliate,” and Wellness Earthing, LLC (“Company”), located at 6416 Loring Dr., Columbia, Maryland 21045 (USA).
Background and Services: The Affiliate possesses a background or interests in e-commerce, health education, direct sales, social media, and/or online marketing, and is willing to provide services to the COMPANY based on this background.
Appointment and Services: The COMPANY appoints Affiliate as its advocate, representative, and marketing agent within the Territory (United States and approved countries) to promote wellness concepts, market, and sell health and wellness products. Affiliate will lead internet traffic to the COMPANY’s website and solicit orders for its products.
Description of Services:
Beginning on the date of signature of this agreement, Affiliate will provide the following services (collectively, the “Services”):
- Marketing and promotion of Company’s website and social media platforms.
- Drafting of health and wellness-related articles, posters, or short videos for dissemination online.
- Other creative services to drive traffic to Company’s online presence.
Performance of Services: The manner in which the Services are to be performed and the specific hours to be worked by the Affiliate shall be determined by the Affiliate. The COMPANY will rely on the Affiliate to work as many hours as may be reasonably necessary to fulfill the Affiliate’s obligations under this Agreement.
Commission Payments: COMPANY will make commission payments to Affiliate based on the following:
- Twenty percent (20%) of gross sales of health and wellness products sold from direct sales.
- Five percent (5%) from the sales of immediate downline and the third-level downlines.
Right to Inspect: Affiliate shall have the right to inspect COMPANY’s records for the limited purpose of verifying the calculation of the commission payments.
Death: If Affiliate dies during the term of this Agreement, Affiliate shall be entitled to payments or partial commission payments for the period ending with the date of Affiliate’s death.
Expense Reimbursement: Affiliates shall pay all “out-of-pocket” expenses and shall not be entitled to reimbursement from the COMPANY.
Term/Termination: This Agreement shall terminate automatically upon completion by Affiliate of the Services required by this Agreement.
Relationship of Parties: Affiliate is an independent contractor with respect to COMPANY, and not an employee of COMPANY.
Mediation: If a dispute arises between the Parties, they shall first proceed in good faith to submit the matter to mediation.
Arbitration: If mediation is unsuccessful, any controversy or claim shall be submitted exclusively to final and binding arbitration.
Employees: Affiliate’s employees, if any, who perform services for COMPANY under this Agreement shall also be bound by the provisions of this Agreement.
Confidentiality: Affiliate agrees to maintain the confidentiality of COMPANY’s proprietary information.
Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes any prior written or oral agreements.
Amendment: This Agreement may be modified or amended if the amendment is made in writing and is signed by both parties.
Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable.
Waiver of Contractual Right: The failure of either party to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver.
Applicable Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Maryland (where the COMPANY is located, or the State of Wyoming (where the COMPANY is registered), or United States District Court for the District of Maryland or the District of Wyoming are the exclusive venues for litigation arising from this Agreement.
Signatures: This Agreement is considered legally signed after checking the “Accept the Affiliate Agreement” at page by the Affiliate applicant. It shall be effective after review by the Authorized Individual at Wellness Earthing, LLC.