Kevin Chen

Kevin Chen

Unlocking the Secrets of Longevity

The Most Important Factors and 9 Practical Tips for Longevity The quest for a longer and healthier life has captivated humanity for centuries. Advances in medical science and technology have brought us closer to understanding the factors that contribute to…

Summer Wellness Practice

Summer Wellness Practice
The emphasis of summer wellness is on mental and emotional regulation. Maintain a positive mood, avoiding excessive mood, when the heat. When the heart is calm, the person will naturally feel cool, achieving the goal of nourishing the self.

9 Tips for Wellness Practice in the Spring

9 Tips for Wellness Practice in the Spring

Spring is a season of renewal and transformation, the golden season in wellness practice.  There is a Chinese saying that “spring does not nurture, summer easily get disease.”  In the “Huangdi Neijing” it states “In the three months of spring,…

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